Saturday, May 1, 2010

Stargate Universe: Human

Human-the 14th episode of Stargate Universe and at the least, not one of my favourites. Hard to say why, but it felt like a wholesale adaptation of dream sequences in Battlestar Galactica, only switching Baltar with Rush. Certainly many comparisons have been drawn between the two series and I feel this only adds fuel to the fire.

Basically, the episode can be divided into two parallel stories. One, specifically that which reminded me of BSG, composes of Rush flashing back to before he joined the Stargate Program, having hooked himself up to the Ancient repository of knowledge, hoping to find a way to unlock control of Destiny. This takes the form of a dream, or rather the flashback mentioned earlier, before his wife had succumbed to cancer. While emotionally engaging in some respects, it felt a bit tedious overall.

The second aspect of the episode is Eli, Chloe, Scott and Greer exploring a world covered in ruins. Ruins that in turn that lead to tunnels that they get trapped in. This is very much a sub-plot in the episode, and I feel it could have been fleshed out more. It's pretty much a distinguishing feature of Universe in that unlike SG-1, Infinity and Atlantis, alien life, much less sapient species, are the exception rather than the rule. So on the rare occassion we get to see some indication, I felt only half the story was given in this regard.